Metabolism Revolution

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People living with Diabetes as of 2022

Over a billion people worldwide have metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

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The Ideal Formula for a Healthy Breakfast and Lunch for Diabetes and Fatty Liver

The Ideal Formula for a Healthy Breakfast and Lunch for Diabetes and Fatty Liver

Diabetes and Fatty Liver: Two Conditions Linked by a Common Factor — an inadequate diet. Although they may seem different, both diseases are often connected to the buildup of fat in vital organs such as the liver, pancreas, and muscles. The good news is that adopting...

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Balance your blood sugar and lose weight naturally with apple cider vinegar — no strict dieting required

Apple cider vinegar is more than just a simple kitchen ingredient; its properties make it a powerful ally for your health. Recent research has shown that consuming apple cider vinegar can help stabilize blood glucose levels, benefiting both people with diabetes and those looking to improve their overall well-being.

The Ideal Formula for a Healthy Breakfast and Lunch for Diabetes and Fatty Liver

Diabetes and Fatty Liver: Two Conditions Linked by a Common Factor — an inadequate diet. Although they may seem different, both diseases are often connected to the buildup of fat in vital organs such as the liver, pancreas, and muscles. The good news is that adopting healthy eating habits can make a significant difference in their prevention and management.

Oatmeal Explained From Its Benefits to How to Prepare It Properly

Before insulin was discovered in 1921, treating diabetes was a major challenge for medicine. One of the strategies used at that time was the so-called «oat cure,» which helped many diabetic patients live longer and maintain more stable glucose levels in the absence of an effective pharmacological treatment.